SAVE THE DATE: 8-9 May 2025, Vienna

Ubiquitin & Friends Symposium 2025

organized by the SFB Targeted Protein Degradation

The Ubiquitin & Friends Symposium is an annual international meeting taking place in the beautiful capital of Austria, aiming to bring together scholars from various fields studying ubiquitin/Ubl biology and protein degradation in a personal, family-like atmosphere, as suggested by the name.

Please SAVE THE DATE for the next Ubiquitin & Friends Symposium in 2025:

May 8-9, 2025

Venue: Van Swieten Hall of the MedUni Vienna
Address: Van-Swieten-Gasse 1a, 1090 Vienna, Austria


More information to be announced soon.



  • Program

    Ubiquitin & Friends Symposium 2025

    Our 2-day program will comprise talks from renowned scientists invited as guest speakers, accompanied by talks selected from submitted abstracts, and flash talks followed by poster sessions.


    The symposium will start on May 8th, at 9:00, and will end on May 9th in the afternoon presumably by 3:30 pm.

    More information about the program will follow.

  • Venue & Travel Information

    General information

    The symposium will take place at the Van Swieten Saal of the Medical University of Vienna, located close to Vienna’s famous “Ring Street” and the city center.


    Read more about the venue and travel information.

  • Registration and Abstract Submission

    Registration, abstract & poster information


    Registration opening is planned for December 2024. 

    More information to be announced.


For questions concerning the symposium please contact:

Consortium of the SFB F79 “Targeted Protein Degradation” – Lead institution: University of Vienna.

Conference coordinators
Sascha Martens and Zahra Ayatollahi, University of Vienna

Early-Career Researchers Organizing Committee 2025


Supported by