April 2, 2024

Master’s Thesis in cryo electron microscopy

There is an opportunity for a Master’s thesis in the lab of David Haselbach in the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP). The lab is studying the dynamics of macromolecular machines using single particle cryo EM.

The successful applicant will be involved in a project focusing the structural dynamics of the proteasome in stress and disease states. He/she will be introduced to protein complex purification, transmission electron microcopy and computational structure determination. Additionally, applicants with programming or math background can be involved in the development of new image processing strategies.


An interest in structural biology and biophysics is an essential pre-requisite. The successful applicant will receive a monthly stipend.


For further information, please see the ad for this vacancy in the IMP website.


To apply please send a CV and a cover letter to david.haselbach[at]imp.ac.at