February 4, 2022
“Hoping that we can soon forget about Alzheimer’s disease”-“Auf dass wir Alzheimer bald vergessen können”
Eine “Müllabfuhr” räumt in unseren Zellen auf. Ist dieser Prozess gestört, können Krankheiten wie Alzheimer oder Parkinson die Folge sein. Molekularbiologe Sascha Martens und sein Team erforschen diesen wichtigen Prozess – die Autophagie.
A kind of “waste collection” keeps in our cells clean. If something goes wrong, diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s can be the result. Molecular biologist Sascha Martens and his team investigate the associated process, called autophagy.
Rudolphina, the Science magazine of the University of Vienna met Sascha Martens and his team, who are investigating the mysterious degradation pathways in our cells, which are important to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease or cancer.
Read about how a ‘waste collection‘ tidies up our cells and meet the scientists, who are investigating the mysterious degradation pathways in our cells. In this video, members of Sascha Martens’s lab talk about what keeps them going in research: Team spirit, the passion for a topic and their common goal of making a difference.